Midmar 2017

Mike Royal is raising funds for Singakwenza

Did you know that almost 80% of a person’s brain potential is achieved by the age of 4? Did you know that most of this potential is built while a child is playing? Most caregivers in crèches around South Africa are not aware of the fact that they are holding the future of our country in their hands. What an exciting and daunting prospect! Enter Singakwenza – a non-profit organisation based in Hilton, KwaZulu-Natal. Singakwenza means, “We can do it!”, and our goal is to teach as many parents, educators and community workers about the importance of learning through play as we can, and to show them how easy it is to provide fun activities for their children so that they can develop vital educational foundations.

overall progress

raised R7 500,00 goal R10 000,00



Name Message Donation
ERIC AND GILL TOCKNELL God bless you Mike. Well done. Go well !,, R1 000
Arup Good luck Mike, and have a great swin. From Arup and the team. R1 000
de Beer Attorneys Good luck Mike ! R500
G2 Construction (Pty) Ltd Good Luck on a worthwhile cause. R2 000
Norvo Construction Good luck Mike R1 000
ruben Reddy Architects R1 000
Mazars Mazars would like to R1000.00 to Singakwenza Charity. Please forward banking details. Kind regards R1 000

Singakwenza, meaning “We can do it!”, is a non-profit organisation based in Kwa-Zulu Natal which builds sustainable Early Childhood Education programmes in economically disadvantaged communities, using recycling to make resources.

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