Charity 8 Challenge 2022

Aidan Paveley is raising funds for PinkDrive

overall progress

raised R20 000,00 goal R15 000,00



Name Message Donation
Bruce Aidan, Mommy is so proud of you, your achievements and what you are doing in her memory for #PinkDrive. I know this has deep special meaning to you and I'm so happy to be included and part of your journey in life. Love Daddy R1 700
Lowes Your Mom is smiling from heaven! R300
Anja Well done 🍀Aidan R500
The Pieters Family Aidan, You are amazing, your Mom would be so proud of you and so are we, Good Luck and Gat Skop!!!! R2 000
Sabine Verryn It was great to swim with you again this year - see you next year R500
Sandra Pretorius Well done Aidan R1 200
Monette oHara Good luck R300
Belinda ormiston Good Luck Aidan R350
Vernon Brown R2 000
Granny & Grandad Loving memory of our daughter Charnelle. Love Dad and Mom R300
Brown’s Enjoy the swim R500
Marilyn Corbett Such an amazing young man ! R500
Larryl Barlin So proud of you, well done xxx R1 000
Alysa Just keep swimming… just keep swimming…. See you next weekend. R250
Steve, Debra, Alysa We will be there to support you. Proud of you. 😘 R2 000
Kerry Curtis I am so proud of the young man you are, as your Mom would be. She is with you every day Aidan. Big hugs. R500
Monique Roos Dear Aidan, so proud of you for keeping this memory of your mom alive! Good luck, looking forward to your Dad's pictures again of the completed swims! R1 000
Annika Fechter Goodluck! You've got this! R500
3 Petzers For you and mom. Love you xx proud of you R200
Veronica Mould Well done Aidan. You are so awesome. Your mum is so proud of you. R500
Shajeshni Singh Good luck Aidan R200
Faizy Karsan Good luck from a friend of Debs. R100
Antionette Van der Walt R1 000
Zinette Hopper Xoxo R1 000
Cheryl Courtois You are amazing R500
Maureen Barlin Remembering Charnelle. Well done Aidan and good luck on the day. R1 000

Our Mission is to spread the message that ‘Early detection can prolong a life’.

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