Charity 8 Challenge 2022

Samantha Marshall is raising funds for Save the Rhino

Rhino poaching has reached crisis point, and across the globe rhino habitat is shrinking.

It’s shocking that today, three of the five species of rhino are Critically Endangered, and two have fewer than 80 animals left. The good news is that together we can stop poaching and habitat loss, so that rhinos are no longer near extinction. But we need to act now. What Save the rhino foundation does: Protecting Rhinos

Reducing Illegal Horn Trade

Involving Communities

Bringing Experts Together

overall progress

raised R16 300,00 goal R10 000,00



Name Message Donation
Nicola Congratulations on all the work you have done x R1 200
Anonymous The red jellybeans are the best! R5 000
Bev R500
Julie and Uwe R900
Jarrod & Anna R300
The Baynhams You go girl 😁❤ R300
Robyn Smit Proud of you Sammi ❤️ R300
The Smithers So proud of you Sammy. ♥️ R750
Kylene Raubenheimer I've always admired your will to better yourself in your life and with a heart as massive as yours, you face adversity with determination! I'm sorry for not being a better friend in your life. R300
Amy Vieler All the best with the swim Sam ♥️ R50
Wendy Marshall R500
Carla Marshall you go girl!!! You inspiration. Big love R450
Chad & Stef R500
Melissa Ladeira Go girl ✨ R500
Wendy Marshall Good luck R500
Jenny You are an inspiration R150
Tarryn Evenwel Such a great cause R100
Wendy Clarke Good luck. Lots of love Nan R400
Rumbi R100
Samantha Girona Lots of love 💘 R1 000
Kelly-Ann Rock Swim lil fishy, swim!! Proud of you. R500
Mary Terry So proud of you, Sam. Such a huge heart. Have a fabulous swim!!! R500
Peter My awesome little girl ❤ R1 000
Jordache Clarke Proud of you R500

Save the Rhino

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