Charity 8 Challenge 2023

Sally Fuhri is raising funds for PinkDrive

Today and Tomorrow I will be swimming Midmar Mile, 8 mile charity swim for the Pink drive Charity. To raise funds for them to use in early detection and screening for Cancer. 

I will be remembering very special family and friends that lost their fight against cancer, but also those friends that bravely won their fight. Special thoughts for friends that at the moment are bravely fighting their fight against this awful disease. 


overall progress

raised R2 850,00 goal R10 000,00



Name Message Donation
Wade Glasspoole The family fish : ) Great person, great cause, go Sal! R650
Melanie You are an amazing and beautiful human. Well done on your brilliant swim. R200
R2 000

Our Mission is to spread the message that ‘Early detection can prolong a life’.

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