Charity 8 Challenge 2024

Jane Rees is raising funds for PinkDrive

overall progress

raised R6 050,00 goal R10 000,00



Name Message Donation
Mrs JC Rees R1 000
Jane Rees R1 500
Celeste Ruck So proud of you.♥️ R500
Charne You did it!! What a phenomenal achievement!! R200
Anonymous R1 000
Barbara Fraatz Good luck and enjoy each mile 🍀🏊‍♀️ R200
Karen Venter Good luck Jane! R250
Sabine Verryn Go Go Go R200
Johann van den Heever Best wishes with this endeavour! You can do it! Just keep on swimming 🌹🤗 R200
Anonymous R300
Ann Gray I reaaly admire you Jane. Enjoy your 8 crossings. You are such an example tp younger swimmers. R200
Anonymous R300
Colin Neil Morgan Hi Jane, I will get the ball rolling by donating first :-) Wishing you all the very best with your training and a successful 8 Mile swim/s R200

Our Mission is to spread the message that ‘Early detection can prolong a life’.

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