Charity 8 Challenge 2025

Caren Naude is raising funds for PinkDrive

This will be my 12th year of swimming all 8 Miles at aQuellé Midmar Mile in Feb 2025. My aim is to raise at least R 12 000 for PinkDrive, an amazing charity organization whose motto is "Early Detection Will Help To Prolong A Life!". By sponsoring me, you will enable Pink Drive to reach women in rural areas with their mobile screening units and possibly save a life by early detection.

overall progress

raised R3 450,00 goal R12 000,00



Name Message Donation
Belinda phillips Good luck and enjoy R500
Sue Purbrick Go girl!! R450
Tanya Doveton Go Mom!!! R2 500

Our Mission is to spread the message that ‘Early detection can prolong a life’.

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