Midmar 2017

John Francis is raising funds for Duzi Umngeni Conservation Trust

To all my friends and family please be so kind as to support me in this event for raising monies to a very worthy charity the Duzi Umngeni Conservation Trust. I will complete this challenge of doing all 16 miles

overall progress

raised R22 860,00 goal R25 000,00



Name Message Donation
Barry Swartzberg R1 800
ANDREW pOOLE well done Legend R1 000
Floxilinx (Pty Ltd Well done John ! Proud of you R2 500
R1 000
Stephen van coller 100 bucks a km - keep going :) R2 560
Hylton Gray Go for it John! Good luck. R1 000
Pretor Group (Pty) Ltd Well done John Boy! Hope it goes well. R4 000
Ross Teichmann Hey John, you will need to shed a couple of ks before this swim. Good luck. R1 000
Mark Schurr Good luck boet - keep up the great work R1 000
Patrick Quarmby Go Johnno R1 000
Patrick Quarmby Go Johnno R1 000
david Wilson Good luck bud R1 000
Brett Archibald Good luck Johno! You are a legend! Sending you fish skills for both the swims!! You are doing some fine work my son!! R1 000
Bruce MacRobert Well done John - Good effort. R2 000
RW porter Good luck Jonno Francis R1 000

To champion the environmental health of the uMngeni and uMsunduzi Rivers

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