Midmar 2020

Jenna Murray is raising funds for Singakwenza

Being a teacher I naturally have a passion for a charity that dedicates its time and effort into enriching the lives of the generations to come. Singakwenza is just that charity! This incredible NGO/NPO dedicates its time & resources to educating our future at the most crucial stages of their lives, their ECD phase. Singakwenza is not only building a brighter future for each child but a brighter future for South Africa. 

Another Singakwenza initiative is their Waste 2 Toys program which uses recycled materials to create toys for ECD classes and playgrounds. Recycling- another passion of mine! Please do yourself a favour and see just how incredible the toys they make are. Singakwenza proves that our children do not need all the fancy/expensive toys - a few bits of waste recycled into awesome toys does just the same. So many of our children do not get the luxury of toys, I witnessed this when I visited a Singkwenza supported creche last year. While visiting the creche, the teacher noted that one little girl had filled her top with all the bottle tops she could find, in hopes of tak8ing them home to play with! 

So to mix these two very important factors, how could I not swim my 8 Miles in aid of them. So please may I ask you to join with me, support my effort to raise funds towards a charity that is close to my heart. 

Last year I set the target for my fundraising at the required R12 000, this year I would like to up that to R15 000. For every R100 you donate, you are supporting one child for one month through the Singakwenza program. So for R500  5 children are supported & R1000 sees 10 children supported for a month. Your donation will make a significant difference in the lives of those you are supporting.    

Let's do this & see a brighter future for our children & a cleaner South Africa too! 

overall progress

raised R31 045,00 goal R15 000,00



Name Message Donation
Lyle Murray Well done Madam! R500
School Swimathons R6 685
Linda Dellar So proud of you Jenna and the difference you are making 💕 R200
Tim murray Go for it my Madam ! R4 000
The Hillcrest Murrays (Justin, Aaron & Em) We are so proud of you for all you do! Good luck! Love you sister/auntie! R2 500
Swimchicks swimathon Go Girl R12 510
Gail hamilton Good luck Jenna R200
Robertson Family All the best Jenna. You go girl. Love Alex Ash Courtz and Amy. R250
Werner Harmse R300
Marion Cooke So proud of you my friend ❤️❤️ R200
Penny Purchase Jenna, you're a star! Enjoy the swim. Love Singaqwenza's valuable work in ECD. R100
Sherri Catlett Such a deserving charity!! Hope the swim goes well 😊 R250
Steph So proud you go jen jen xxx R350
Jessica Greenwood So proud of you Jen <3 R200
Sarah Everson Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. R200
Caroline Robertson From Luke who says keep swimming! R500
Kim Streak So proud of you friend! R300
Tessa Schoeman Many swimming miles for many happy smiles ❤️ R1 500
Judith Cole Our three sons want to bless three children. R300

Singakwenza, meaning “We can do it!”, is a non-profit organisation based in Kwa-Zulu Natal which builds sustainable Early Childhood Education programmes in economically disadvantaged communities, using recycling to make resources.

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