Midmar 2020

Linda Smallbones is raising funds for Singakwenza

On the weekend of the 9 and 10 February, I will be swimming 8 Miles to raise funds for Singakwenza. Please see http://www.singakwenza.org for more details about this beautiful organisation. I know there are many worthy organisations to give your money to. I believe in Singakwenza because they make a difference in the lives of young children and their families, a difference that will positively impact their future in every way. I know the work of Singakwenza on a personal and professional level and so I am really confident and happy to support all that they do! 

Thank you for your support! 

overall progress

raised R19 825,00 goal R12 000,00



Name Message Donation
School Swimathons R6 685
Market Day R300
Swimchix Swimathon R12 840

Singakwenza, meaning “We can do it!”, is a non-profit organisation based in Kwa-Zulu Natal which builds sustainable Early Childhood Education programmes in economically disadvantaged communities, using recycling to make resources.

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