Midmar 2020

Linda Frances Adam is raising funds for PinkDrive

overall progress

raised R16 600,00 goal R12 000,00



Name Message Donation
Ashley Stanford Good luck this weekend Linda R100
Ang & Mike Have a jol! R500
Hannelie McDougall Your"e a true inspiration to me R200
Cath Raw Blessed to be healthy!! R300
Lauryn Lindsay Well done Linda- you are a machine! R500
Qinile Crossfit Gym It's just your mind vs your body now Linda. You can do this. R1 250
Rob Hudson Great effort Linda - lots of luck R200
Club 22 ladies With love and best wishes from the sober side of Club 22 R1 000
Club 22 Men Best of luck Linda from all the men in Club 22 R6 500
Anne Pohl Well done and good luck Linda. R1 000
Caesar & Winston Whoof whoof... xxx R200
Bobby & Julz All the best and Thank you for all you do for us. Xxx R300
Jutta Moxham Lots of love and good luck R400
Nunnie and Jem Well done Linds.. amazing feat!! R500
Little brother So proud of you Linda. Glad to be able to contribute again this year. R1 000
Kelly Gilson What an inspiration you are! R150
Fantastic effort Linda! R300
Chars Fawcett Wonderful cause! Well done! R200
jeanette & Michael Rennie You inspire us R2 000

Our Mission is to spread the message that ‘Early detection can prolong a life’.

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