Midmar 2020

Laurelle Blanks is raising funds for PinkDrive

I'm swimming my 2nd 8 Mile event in 2020 for Nan Manton in Richmond who is battling cancer after being in remission. 

To all the brave & strong people fighting this dreadful disease, we support you in our swimming and we do it with love in our hearts.

overall progress

raised R23 340,00 goal R14 000,00



Name Message Donation
Direct deposit R100
Direct deposit R3 295
Ray & Megan Browne Hey, that’s my sister! Every little donation can aid in trying to break the scourge of cancer! Thanks for doing this for Nan 💞 R250
Grenville & Nan Manton Well done Lel and thank you. R500
School Swimathons R6 685
LAURELLE BLANKS Swimchix Swimathon R12 510

Our Mission is to spread the message that ‘Early detection can prolong a life’.

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