Midmar 2020

Amanda Lock is raising funds for Singakwenza

overall progress

raised R22 135,00 goal R15 000,00



Name Message Donation
School Swimathons R6 685
Matthew Lock Go mom go. Try to catch me ;) R150
Tyra Lock Good Luck Mom! R150
Shakilla Bester Good Luck Amanda R100
Maritzburg Auctioneers Great cause , good luck with the 8 Miles R1 600
Flee Lock Good Luck with your Swim Amanda R250
MS JR PRATT Go Mandoes, well done and have fun R500
Tracey a palmer Good luck. Swim hard R200
Swimathon Swimchix Swimathon R1 500
Swimathon Swimchix Swimathon R1 500
Cameron Shaun Lock Swimchix Swimathon R9 500

Singakwenza, meaning “We can do it!”, is a non-profit organisation based in Kwa-Zulu Natal which builds sustainable Early Childhood Education programmes in economically disadvantaged communities, using recycling to make resources.

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