


early childhood education

Singakwenza, meaning “we can do it!” In Isizulu, aims to build sustainable early childhood education programmes in economically disadvantaged communities. A charity based in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, we teach caregivers about the importance of young children learning through play, using resources made solely from recycling. Learn more about Singakwenza

mentorship programme

Singakwenza trainers mentor crèche caregivers in their own crèches one day a week, every week, for a minimum of two years. They teach each caregiver how to educate her children using resources made from recycling and the significance of each activity in terms of Early Childhood Development. Their role is to walk alongside these crèche teachers, guiding and encouraging them towards a daily fun, structured, educational programme, so that when we leave, the programme will continue without us.

waste 2 toys workshops

We teach parents, educators and community workers how to make their own toys and teaching materials using household packaging that is usually thrown away, with the focus on the importance of learning through play. Each workshop covers a different area of learning, and they are run in areas throughout South Africa and other countries where access to resources is limited.

our generous partners

what our friends are saying

Midmar 8 Mile Club

The 8 Mile Club was started in 2004 by Stan Kozlowski and Mervyn Bremner. The objective is to raise funds for various charities by swimming all 8 events at the Midmar Mile.

Since 2004 The 8 Mile Club has raised millions of Rand.

donate now

overall progress

raised over R10 000 000 goal R50 000 000

raising money for kydrin

Help us to help charities by supporting kydrin. Your support will allow us to continue to hand over 100% of donations to all charities and non-profit organisations.

our world

We aim to support charities worldwide

our goals

100% of donations have gone to charities since 2016

our reach

We aim to have hundres of charities on board

our story

kydrin was founded by three siblings. We are aware of how important donations are to charities, and how much in need of donations nearly every charity is. Our website and current and future features are designed to make fundraising more accessible than the traditional pledge forms and phone calls.

our mission

Our goal is help other charities raise funds and to maximise the percentage of the donations they receive by charging the lowest possible admin fee.

Since 2016 charities have received 100% of the donations made through our site

what will it cost us to be on the kydrin site?

Zero. No signup cost; no monthly fee; and 0% admin charge

how do we sign up?

Please email with your charity details and we'll be in touch as soon as possible. An online sign-up feature will be available soon.

frequently asked questions

To see if there is an answer to your query please go to our FAQ

If your query isn't answered please email us at or use the contact us form.

contact us

88 Sanet Street, Northwold
Gauteng, 2188, South Africa

+27 11 083 84 83